
List of Books CD's Titla Name Author
1 21158 Virtual Lab CD ROM Principles and applications of electrical enggg. Rizzoni, Giorgio
2 2 Embedded Micr computer systems real times interfacing Janathan
3 18483 I.P Telphony B ill M Douskalis
4 4 An embedded software primer David E Simon
5 5 fundamentals of Electric Circuits Charless K Alexander
6 6 Fundementaals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design Stephen Brown
7 7 Dadio Frequesncy and Microwave Electronic Mathew M
8 8 Programming and Customizing the 8051 Micro computer Myke Predko
9 9 Photonic Transmission Design Optical Fiber Comm. Gerd Keiser
10 10 RF Circuit Design Thoery and applications Reinhold
11 11 VHDL Duggles Perry
12 12 IEEE Trans. On Education Rapid Publications systems IEEE
13 13 Computational Structural Mechanics Rajasekaran
14 14 Operating Systems Design Implementation Tenanbaum
15 15 C++ How To programm Deitel & Deitel
16 16 VHDL Dugglas perry
17 17 Internet & World wide Web how to programme Deitel & Deitel
18 18 IEEE ASE System society IEEE
19 19 Oracle 8 i Couchman
20 20 IBM Web Sphere Staters kit Ran-Bon
21 21 Master UML with Retinal Rose 13 BPP
22 22 Inside Auto CAD 2002 Tech edia
23 23 Master Visual C++6 BPB
24 24 RED HAT LINUX Administration Tools Vol. I Fisher
25 25 RED HAT LINUX Administration Tools Vol. II Fisher
26 26 C++ Programm Design P James Cohoon
27 27 Using Visual Basic for Applications Paul Sanna
28 28 Careers for Electrical Engineers &Compute Scientists Aslem Kassimali
29 29 Structural Analysis
30 30 Petesons interative Engieering C.S & Information Studies Peterson
31 31 Priss coton GMAT Pris Coton
32 32 Mastering Visual Bases 6 BPB
33 33 Active Server Pages 2.0 Tech edia
34 34 Auto CAD 2000 The complete reference
35 35 Mastering Access 2000 BPB
36 36 Mastering Active Server pages 3 BPB
37 37 MCSR Readmin Review Network Essentials James
38 38 Developing e- commerce site an integrated approach Vivek Sharma
39 39 Mastering Java -2 BPB
40 40 Microsoft Visual Interdev Tech Media
41 41 Mastering Microsoft Access 2000 TechMedia
42 42 Oracle 8i The Complete Referce Loney
43 43 Linux Kernel Interrelations M Beek
44 44 AOL & Interest
45 45 Engineering Graphics and Drawing Sonaversity
46 46 Engineering Mechaics Sonaversity
47 47 Machine Drawing Sonaversity
48 48 Structural Analysis and Deisgn S D Rojan
49 49 C How to Programm Deitel
50 50 Introduction Element Method Chandra Patla
52 52 Linear Circuit Analysis Davis
53 53 WINDOWS 98 X LINUX Pearson
54 54 Introduction to VLSI Circuit System Umera
55 55 Basic Econometrics Damodar N.,Gujarati/
56 56 Oracle 9i Database Server and client
57 57 Pspice for Basic Circuit Analysis MC Grawhill
58 58 Sedra/Smith Mecro Electrometrics Sedra / Smith
59 59 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Alexander / Sadiku
60 60 Introduction to Unix & Linux Muster
61 61 Embedded System Design Edwards
62 62 WARP Software 4.1 Pearson
63 63 Degital Design Maris Mano
64 64 Digital Signal Processing Springer
65 65 Learning Visual Basic .Net through application Crooks
66 66 GIS Software Chang
67 67 Digital Design with CPLD Application with VHDL Dueck
68 68 C++ How To programm Deitel & Deitel
69 69 Embedded Micro compute System Real Time interfacing Valvano J W
70 70 LINUX Bible CD&DVD 28372 Negas
71 71 Cleint/ Server Prog. With Java & Corba Orfali, Robert/
72 72 Applied Quantum Mechanics CD-ROM Cambridge
73 73 LINUX Kernal programming Beck & Bohme
74 74 SQL , PL /SQL Oracle pogramming BPB Publishers
75 75 Matrize Analysis of Structures Aslam Kassimali
76 76 Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL Michael D
77 77 Embedded c programming & the Microchip P/C
78 78 Control System Deisgn Goodwin & Greebe
79 79 Introductory electronic Devices & Circuits Paynter
80 80 Power World simulator 8.0 verson Glover & Sarma
81 81 Automatic Control system Ac Systems 2002 - CD ROM Kuo
82 82 Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory Boylested
83 83 Thermal Sciences Meric e Potter
84 84 Fundametal of Electric Circuits Alexander / Sadiku
85 85 Engineering Information Village
86 86 Optoelectronics & Photonics Principles and practice S o Kasap
87 87 Synapti CAD Tools for the thinking mind M Mano
88 88 Fundamentals of Machine Elements Hamrock
89 89 Patterns in Java Vol.II Mark Grand
90 90 Introduction to Logic Design Marcovity
91 91 Computer Oraganization and Deisgn Patterson
92 26977 Software Testing Tools accno 26977 Dream Tech press
93 93 Introduction to pspice Oracle for Circuits & Electronis Rashid
94 94 C & Data Structures Dream Tech press
95 95 Kinematrics Dyanmics & Design of Machinary Waldron
96 96 I-Tek Software Infotek
97 97 Principles of Electronic Materials & Devices S O Kasep
98 29479 Digital Image fo Processing Nickefford
99 25753 electrical Engineering Principles & Applications Hambley
100 100 ISE Student Edition Version 4.2 ISE Student
101 28448 Software to Accompany Operations Research Taha
102 20822 Optimization Concetps and appliation in Engg.
103 103 Digital Signal Processing First A multimedia approach MCclellan
104 20447 Design of Machine eleemetns MF spotts
105 27880 SPL,PL / SQL the programming Lanugageof Oracle BPB
106 27769 Upgrading and Repairing PCS Que
107 22208 SAP BW Pearson
108 25753 electrical engineering Hambley
109 109 Mathematical methods and Algorithms
110 110 On Line APG Games
111 111 C++ How To programm Deitel /Deitel
112 112 Using Linux
113 113 Software to Accompany Operations Research Taha
114 114 Digital Signal Processing Field programmable Gate Arrays
115 115 Tables of Thermodynamics & transport proporties clauase
116 116 Synapti CAD Tools for the thinking mind Pearson
117 117 Introduction to probabilities and statistics for engineers & scientists Ross
118 118 Java Design Patterns A Tutorial cooper
119 119 Microlelectronics analysis and design Rashid
120 120 Java Server Programming Black & Black
121 121 Digital Signal processing A Computer based approach Mithra
122 122 Allys
123 123 Oracle 9 i
124 124 Embedded Micro compute System Real Time interfacing Valvano J W
125 125 Compute Aided Design Rejeshwer
126 126 Software to Accompany embedded software Lewis
127 127 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Wrox
128 128 Operation Research for Competative Advantage Chase Jalobs
129 129 Power World simulator 8.0 verson Glover & Sarma
130 130 Theory of Computation Navayas
131 131 Professional Presentation A Video Based Course ISBN 81-7596-257-7
132 20804 The Knowledge management toolkit Amrit Tikawana
133 133 Managing and Trouble Shooting PCs Meyers
134 38209 Engineering Circuit Analysis Hayt & Kemmerly
135 27031 The Science and Engineering of Materials
136 26948 Grid Computing Janakiram,D
137 24989 A Programmers Guide to Java Certification Mughal,Khalid A
138 26973 Java Enterprise Design Patterns (Patterns in Java Volume 3) Grand,Mark
139 24566 Computer Networks and Internet tanenbaum
140 25893 Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering Radha Kanta Sarkar,--
141 141 TRILOGI @ Sftware to accompany Programmable logic Hackworth John
142 142 Photonic Transmission Design Optical Fiber Comm. Keiser
143 29336 Oracle 9i The Complete Reference Loney / Koch
144 144 Electronic Communication Systems Stewart
145 145 Electromagnetics for engineers Ulaby
146 146 Godrej Print Zerox Machine Godrej
147 147 Fundamentals of Machine Component Design Juvinall / Marshell
148 148 English Grammar in use Cambridge
149 149 Hindi Software Tools Efy
150 150 Progrmming Windows with MFC Microsoft
151 20040 Heat Transfer A Practical approach Cengel, Yunus A
152 25809 Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL Michael D.,Ciletti
153 24467 Embedded Systems Building Blocks Labrosse,Jean J.
154 28488 Java Server Programming Black Book
155 155 Thinking 'c' Foundation of C++, Java Chuck allison
156 156 Multimedia Fluid Mechanics Oxford
157 157 Cambridge Preparation for the TOFEL test Geer
158 158 Principles of Electronic Materials & Devices Kasap
159 159 Finite element analysis Chandra Patla
160 160 Quantitative Analysis for Management Barry Rendar
161 161 Microprocessor Architecture Prograaming & Geonker
162 18758 Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design Neamen, Donald A.
163 28319 IT Project Management On Tract from Start to Finish Phillips,Joseph
164 20072 Understanding SONET/SDH and ATM Kartalopoulos, Stamatios V
165 22246 Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design Spencer,Richard R
166 18437 Machine Design An Integrated Approach Norton, Robert L.
167 20604 Master The TOEFL CBT 2003 Sullivan, Patricia Noble
168 168 IBM it Service management the Business of IT Tivoli Software
169 169 IEEE Transactions on Education Rapid Publication suppli. IEE Vol.42 No.4 Nov.1999
170 170 Operating Systems Design Implementation Mike Meyers
171 20058 Verlog HDL Pearson
172 19943 Windows 2000 MCSE Study System Carter, Alan R
173 24609 Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurement Timothy
174 20839 Computer Desktop Encylcopedia Freedman, Alan
175 29565 Verilog HDL A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis Palnitk,Samir
176 176 Silos 2001 Verilog HDL Logic Simulater Ciletti
177 25138 Engineering Graphics Bapat
178 22320 Introduction to Logic Design Marcovitz,Alan B
179 23516 Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics Ulaby,F.T
180 Object-oriented Technology Curthis
181 20853 Running Microsoft Internet Information server Powell, Matt
182 182 Microsoft Internet Information Server MT 4.0 PHI
183 TERI TERI energy Data Directory & Year Book 2002-03 TERI
184 CISCO CisCO Networking fundamentals of Unix guide Pearson
185 CISCO CISCO self study exam certification guide Pearson
186 186 Core Java 2 Vol. II Harst man
187 187 Fire wall : A Complete Guide Gunsalve
188 26037 C++ Programming Fundamentals Easttom,Chuck
189 22926 Cisco Networking Academy Program Fundamentals of Network Security Companion Guide Cisco Networking Academy
190 CISCO CCMP1 Advanced Routing Companin Guide Cisco
191 18439 CAD/CAM Principles & Applications P N Rao
192 23915 Embedded System Design on a Shoestring Edwards,Lewin A R W
193 19161 The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit Kimball, Ralph
194 11699 Operating Systems : Design and Implementation Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
195 CISCO CCNA 3 and 4 Companion Guide Pearson
196 196 Encyclopedio of Networking & Telecommunication Tom sheldon
197 197 Upgrading & Repairing Pc's Pearson
198 198 Fedora Core 1 Pearson
199 199 Management Industries Gerald V Post
200 200 XML Step up step Young
201 201 Assembly Longuage for the IBM PC family Jones
202 28444 Heat Transfer Dastidar
203 29499 Modern Electronic Communication Beasley
204 27845 C++ Programming Al Stevens
205 205 GRE /CAT Master the GRE CAT Cambridge
206 206 Embedded System Architecture Tommy
207 207 Principles of Electronic Circuits Galgotia
208 208 IEEE APS Digital Archive 2003 update IEEE Transation Antennas
209 209 CISCO CCNA Exam Certification Guide TechMedia
210 210 Photo shop 7 Savvy BPB Publishers
211 211 Fundamentals of Thermal fluid Sciences Yunus
212 212 Control System Engg. NISE
213 213 Vibrarions MATLAB R M Files Kelly
214 214 The Science and Engineering of Materials Akeland
215 215 Signal Processing First McClellan
216 216 Using Linux Jack Tackett
217 217 ADLIB / pemo Software Adilib
218 218 Mastering Visual Bases 6 BPB Publishers
219 22293 Hand Book of Electronic Power Calculations Wayne
220 220 Introduction to UNIX & LINUX muster
221 221 RF Circuit Design Thoery and applications MATLAB Ludwing
222 222 Operating System Design & Implementation Tannenbaum
223 223 Real world FPGA Design with Verilog Coftman
224 224 Disc-1 Red HAT LINUX Administration Tools Fisher
225 225 Fuzzy Logic for Embedded System Applications Ibrahim
226 28404 J2EE Architecture Kumar
227 227 OperationManagement Strategy & analysis Krajewski,Lee J/
228 22323 Programming for embedd systems Cracking the code Wiley
229 28842 Numerical Methods with computer programming in C++ Ghosh
230 230 Microcontroller Technology spasov peter
231 231 Digital Signal Processing Kuo
232 232 Optsim demo CD R Soft Papanna Reddy
233 233 Speech recognisation Theory &C++ implementation Claudio
234 English Grammar in use Cambridge
235 Neural Networks Fuzzy Logic & Genetic Algorithms Pai / Rajasekharan
236 Quantitative Analysis for Management for Management Barry Rendar
237 Journal Developer IQ C, C++ special IQ
238 238 An embedded software primer Simon
239 239 CCNP Advanced Routing Companion Guide CISCO
240 240 Fundamentals of Wireles LANS Companion Guide CISCO
241 241 CCSP Self-study CCSP CISCO secure VPN exam Cirtification Guide CISCO
242 242 Embedded System Design on a Shoestring Edwards,Lewin A R W
243 243 Microwave Engineering Cambridge
244 244 Operatin Research Winston
245 245 Ductility of reismic resistand steel structure Victor
246 246 Kinematrics Dyanmics & Design of Machinary J waldron
247 247 Windows Rockets Networks Programming Pearson
248 248 Verilog HDL Pearson
249 249 Probability Statistics Devore
250 250 Automatic Control system Ac Systems 2002 - CD ROM Kuo, Benjamin C./
251 251 Comdex Information Technology Course Kit Dream Tech press
252 252 Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design Spencer, Ghousi
253 253 MATLAB Theory & Design for machinary Measurement Figliora
254 254 Building Tablet PC Appliation Windows Jarrett
255 255 Flash MX Watrall, Ethan/
256 256 Introductory Statistics Ross
257 257 Introduction to Electronics GATES
258 258 Software Project management Coriolis
259 259 Introdcution to Logic Design Alan B
260 260 Network programming for Micro Windows Microsoft
261 261 The J2EE Tutorial Pearson
262 262 Degital Design CPLD application and VHDl Dueck
263 263 Financial Management I M Pandey
264 264 Teaching Resource maerials INS DAG
265 265 Multimedia Literacy Hofstetter,Fred T/
266 266 Guide to MAARC 21 U Lib MARC 21
267 267 SCJP Sun Certified programming for JAVA 5 Learn Key
268 268 Oracle 9 I the Complete Reference Leney / Koch
269 269 SQL, PL / SQL The programming lanaguage of Oracle Bayross
270 270 Winning Today Magazines CD's GRE Eight nos GRE
271 271 Embedded Multitasking Gurties
272 272 Implementing 802.11 with microcontrollers Fred Eady
273 273 Code warrier
274 274 Networking and Internet workingwith cirtification Fred Eady
275 275 Fuzzy Logic for Embedded System Applications Ibrahim
276 276 Spread specturum Communication Hand Book Simon Omura
277 277 Probability Statistics Robert
278 278 Linear Circuit Analysis A Rama Kalyan
279 279 Digital Signal Processing Steven smith
280 280 Modern Electronic Communication Bees ky jeffory S
281 281 Numerical Methods for Linear Certification Biswanth Dutta
282 282 The Design Warriors Guide for FPGAS Maxfield
283 283 Introduction to Electornics Gates
284 284 Digitial Signal Processing using MATALAB and Wavelets
285 285 Digital Signal Processing System leve design Nasser
286 286 Implentation 802.11, 802.16 Ram
287 287 Circuits Signals and Systems for Bio engineers Semmlow
288 288 Radio Frequency and microwave Mathew M
289 289 Embedded System Architecture Tammys
290 290 SAP Net waever
291 291 Winning Today Magazines CD's GRE Eight nos GRE
292 292 Computer Graphics
293 293 C How to Programm Deitel
294 294 Digital Logic Design Stephen Brown
295 295 Introduction to pspice Oracle for Circuits & Electronis Rashid
296 296 Digital Image fo Processing W K Pratt
297 297 Microprocessor Architecture W K Pratt
298 298 Programming & Application with the 8085 Goankor R
299 299 Engineering Electromagnetics Hayt & Buck
300 300 Engineering Circuit Analysis Hayt / Kemmerly
301 301 Solid Edge 2 D Draftingversion 19 free with IPF Annual/2007 Solid edge
302 302 Financial Management IM Pondey
303 303 Industrial Product Finder -2007 IPF
304 304 Software to Accompany Annual Operation H A Taha
305 305 MAYA 8 The Complete Reference Tom Heade Shinskay
306 306 CAD/CAM Principles & Applications P N Rao
307 307 SQL The Complete Reference GROFF
308 308 Fundamentals of Digital Logice Deisgn with VHDL S Brown
309 309 Automatic Control system Ac Systems 2002 - CD ROM Kuo/Golnarghi
310 310 OperationResearch Taha
311 311 Electronics Work bench circuit files Boylested
312 28965 Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to Technology and Applications Abbas,Ahmar
313 32763 A Programmers Guide to Java Certification Mughal,Khalid A
314 314 Software Ensemblel -14 Magazine
315 315 Pspice for Basic Circuit Analysis Joseph G
316 316 Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory Boylested
317 317 Foundation Analysis and Design Joseph G
318 318 Engineering Electromagnetics Hayt
319 319 Softwtware to Accompany Operation Research Taha
320 320 Digital Design Mariss mano
321 321 Creating Games in C++ David Conger
322 322 Chip Design for VLSI CMOS layout Umera
323 323 Library Automation Haravu
324 324 Embedded Real Time - system Black Book
325 325 Essential of Physical Chemistry Bahl/ tuli
326 326 The System Designer Guide to VHDL Ams Ashanden
327 327 The Firm ware handbook
328 328 Java How to Programm Deitel
329 329 Industrial Product Finder -2007 IPF
330 330 Software Engineering Agarwal
331 331 Principles of Power System V K Mehta
332 332 Data Structures through C Y kanethkar
333 333 Digital Signal processing Sen M Kuo
334 334 Introduction to Sprice Using OR CAD Rashid
335 335 Fundamentals of Digital Logice Deisgn with VHDL Stephen Brown
336 336 Electronic Devices & Circuits Systems Application
337 33713 Theory and Problems of Feedback and Control Systems Distenfano
338 33692 Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB
339 33333 Principles of Power System Mehta, V.K
340 33340 The 8051 Microcontroller Kenneth,Ayala
341 33802 Theory and Problems of Feedback and Control Systems Distenfano
342 22316 DSP Primer Rorabaugh,C Britton
343 22316 Foundation Windows 95 / NT Linux
344 24467 Embedded System Building Blocks Labrosse,Jean J.
345 345 Mastering Visual Bases 6 BPS Publication
346 346 Developing e- commerce site an integrated approach Vivek Sharma
347 347 Internet and World wide web how to program Deitel / Deitel
348 348 Fundamentals Digital Logic with VHDL Design Stephen Brown
349 349 Power Electronics Ned,Mohan
350 350 IPF/Annual (2010) Subrahmanyam, Vedam/
351 Ehical Hacking & Networks Cengage learning publ.
352 Java Programming advanced topics CR Joe
353 33876 Oracle 10g SQL Casteel,Joan
354 33876 Oracle 10g SQL Casteel,Joan
355 355 Price List 2009 - 2010 New Age Internation
356 356 Principles of Power System VK Mehta
357 357 Engineering Electromagnetics Hayt/ buck
358 358 Engineering Circuit Analysis Hayt / kemmerly
359 359 Sony Corporation DVD R
360 360 Principles of Power System VK Mehta
361 361 Java & Cobra John Wiley
362 362 C++ How To programm Deitel
363 363 HP invent Hewlett
364 364 HP restore Plees
365 365 The 8051 Microcontroller Kenneth,Ayala
366 366 An Introduction to Java Programm Rechard A Johas
367 367 Java Programming advanced topics Joe wiggerworth
368 368 Java Programming advanced topics Joe wiggerworth
369 369 Question Bank to Accompany physical chemistry S Chand
370 370 Introduction to VLSI Circuit System Johh Umera
371 371 CAD Tool with CD Cengage learning publ.
372 372 VHDL Palnitkar,Samir
373 373 Electronic Devices systems and Applications Robert,Diffender
374 374 Oxford Advanced Learner's
375 375 Cal Centre Technology Data CD-ROM
376 33692 Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB Cengage learning publ.
377 377 VHDL Palnitkar,Samir
378 378 Java Programming advanced topics Cengage learning publ.
379 379 Neural Networks Design PWS company
380 380 Electronic Devices systems and Applications Cengage learning publ.
381 34239 Digital Signal Processing System-Level Design Using LabVIEW Nasser,Kehtarnavaz
382 34258 FPGA-Based System Design Wolf,Wayne
383 34241 Digital Signal Processing System-Level Design Using LabVIEW Nasser,Kehtarnavaz
384 384 Microprocessor APA Ramesh Goankar
385 385 Microelectronic Cicuits Oxford Unversity
386 386 ISE Student Documentation Kidersly
387 34240 Digital Signal Processing System-Level Design Using LabVIEW Nasser,Kehtarnavaz
388 388 Embedded Multitasking Keith
389 389 Numerical Methods B N Dutta
390 390 Electronic Devices systems and Applications Cengage learning publ.
391 391 Unified Modeling Language sybex
392 392 C++ Programm Design James cohoon
393 393 C++ Programm Design cohoon
394 394 Face 2 Face Windows-98 Alision Green
395 395 Face 2 Face Windows-98 Alision Green
396 29710 Publications, Presentations and Submissions Open Index.doc Prayas
397 397 IEEE VIS -2008
398 398 HP Invent Hewlett
399 399 Operating Sstems Hewlett
400 400 Nero Suite EM
401 401 C How to Programm Deitel
402 402 Design of foundation of systems Nainan P. Kurain
403 403 Embedded systems CMP Media
404 404 Twin Protection
405 405 An embedded software primer Daviid E Simon
406 406 Design of Steel Stucuture N Subramanyam
407 407 Veeline
408 408 Networking & System Admn. Terry Collings
409 33852 An Introduction to Scientology L Ron Hebbard
410 410 Train 2 Success Z G C Ltd.
411 27623 English Pronounciation in use CD - A,B,C,D Kambridge
412 27624 English Pronounciation in use CD - A,B,C,D Kambridge
413 27625 English Pronounciation in use CD - A,B,C,D Kambridge
414 5/27-3-10 Transmission & Distribution IEEE
415 415 Transmission & Distribution IEEE
416 416 2005/2006 IEEE PES IEEE
417 417 2005/2006 IEEE PES IEEE
418 418 Electical Energy in the 21st century IEEE
419 419 Convention and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st century IEEE
420 34130 Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems John P Umera
421 34808 Insight into WAVELETS K P Soman
422 422 Insight into WAVELETS K P Soman
423 Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL Michael D Ciletti
424 Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL Michael D Ciletti
425 The 8051 Microcontroller A Kenneth
426 18334 Engineering Drawing N D Bhatt
427 Engineering Drawing N D Bhatt
428 33832 Modelling and Control of Vehicular and Robotic Systems Susil,Kumarawadu
429 Modelling and Control of Vehicular and Robotic Systems Susil,Kumarawadu
430 An embedded software primer Ddavid E Siman
431 Information Systems Security Godbole
432 37479 Communication Skill & Soft Skills E Suresh Kumar
433 35779 Digital Logic Design VHDL Stephen Brown
434 434 Microelectronic Cicuits Kenneth,Ayala
435 435 Fire wall : A Complete Guide Abbas,Ahmar
436 436 Java Programming advanced topics Joe wiggerworth
437 437 An embedded software primer David E Simon
438 438 Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to Technology and Appli. Abbas,Ahmar
439 439 Synapti CAD Tools for the thinking mind Mariss mano
440 440 Price List 2009 - 2010
441 441 CC NA 3&4 Companion Guide CISCO PRESS
442 442 Soft Integration Cheng
443 443 Oracle Database Administration SSI
444 35929 Power Electronics Ned,Mohan
445 36127 C++ How to Program
446 35030 Radar System Performance Modeling Curry,G. Richard
447 36662 Oracle Database 10g The Complete Reference Loney,Kevin
448 37321 Finite Element Analysis for Engineering and Technology Chandrupatla,Tirupathi R.
449 37112 Programming in ANSI C Balagurusamy,E.
450 36236 Miller and Freunds Probability and Statistics for Engineers Johnson,Richard A.
451 451 Printed Circuit Board Williams
452 35928 Power Electronics Ned,Mohan
453 36234 Miller and Freunds Probability and Statistics for Engineers Johnson,Richard A.
454 454 Financial Management I M Pandey
455 455 JAVA Programming Advanced Topics Joe wiggerworth
456 34649 Design of Steel Structures N.,Subramanian
457 38553 Principles of Soft Computing Sivanandam S.N.,
458 38323 C/C++ For Engineers and Scientists Cheng H. Harry,
459 38080 An Embedded Software Primer Simon, David E.
460 38289 Problem Solving with C++ Savitch Walter,
461 38549 Information Systems Security Godbole,Nina
462 37083 Software Testing Tools Prasad,K.V.K.K.
463 463 Indian Innovation Awards Indian Express
464 464 Engineering Education Michal Swaid Michael S
465 465 Power Electronics Mohan
466 466 Synapti CAD Mano
467 467 Effective Project Management Bab
468 468 Industrial Product Finder -2007 Bussinessman
469 469 Teri Anniversary Issue Teddy
470 470 Monster Truck Mocrosoft
471 471 Softimage Avid
472 472 Nero Ocm Suite
473 473 Twin Protection
474 474 Abee CD
475 475 10000 Fonts ABDCDEF WORLD
476 476 VISTA TVS electronics
477 477 WAPLP Software Pearson Education
478 478 U.W.E. Breetol Faculty of Computing EMS Compting EMS
479 479 Ran View for Windows - 1996 Willey Catalog 2001
480 480 Babe Survival
481 481 Aided Design Lab Reference Book Laxmi Publication
482 482 Aided Design Lab Reference Book Laxmi Publication
483 483 Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit Wiely India
484 484 Power Slim Wipro - Seyer Genious
485 485 Fundamentals of Digital Logice Deisgn with VHDL Altera
486 486 Upgrading & Repairing Pc's Que Pearson Education
487 487 RS CDROM Catalog MAARC -2004
488 488 Industrial Product Finder -2007 IPF online
489 489 Digit DVD January 2007 Microsof
490 26185 Principles of Electronic Circuits Bond
491 39096 Java Web Service Architecture Morgan
492 492 WRE Journal January,2010
493 493 Insight In to Data Minining K P Soman
494 34133 CAD Tool with CD
495 495 Cryptography Bunett
496 496 PL/SQL Progrmming
497 497 The 8th Habit from Effectiveness to Greatness Covey,Stephen R.
498 19928 Financial Management I M Pandey
499 39122 Information Systems Security Nina Godbole
500 39117 Computer Programming Data Structure Balagurusamy,E.
501 37522 Fundamentals of Electromagnetic with MATLAB Karl E
502 502 Modeling Semiconductors Roy L
503 503 IEE VIS Members Series -2011
504 504 Insight in to Data Minining Theory and Practice K P Soman
505 505 Data Structures through C Yeswanth Kanethkar
506 506 Wireless Digital Communication Kamilo Feher
507 507 Digital Signal Processing Dr.Shaila
508 39125 Cyber Security Godbole
509 39215 C++ for Artists
510 39387 Digital Signal Processing Smith,Steven W
511 39164 Game Design Foundations Roger E.Pedersen,
512 39412 Applied Signal Processing Ferran Marques,
513 39924 Financial Management M Y Khan,
514 514 ANSI C Balagurusamy,E.
515 515 Financial Management I M Pandey
516 516 Insight Into Data Mining K P Soman
517 40028 Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems John Umera
518 518 Network Computing
519 519 English for Success Suresh kumar E
520 520 Communication Skill & Soft Skills Suresh kumar E
521 521 Programming Language Pragmatics Scott Michael L,
522 522 Financial Management M Y Khan,
523 523 Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic Algorithms G.A.Vijayalakshmi Pai,
525 41616 Programming Language Pragmatics Scott Michael L,
526 526 JAVA Programming Advanced Topics
527 527 JAVA Programming
528 528 C How to Programm
529 529 Computer-Aided Power Systems Analysis George Kusic Dr.,
530 36662 Oracle Database 10g The Complete Reference Loney,Kevin
531 35030 Radar System Performance Modeling Curry,G. Richard
532 532 Finite Element Method
533 39125 Cyber Security Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer Forensics and Legal Perspectives Nina Godbole,
534 42091 SQL, PL/SQL The Programming Language of Oracle Bayross,Ivan
535 42092 SQL, PL/SQL The Programming Language of Oracle Bayross,Ivan
536 41020 Power Electronics Converters, Applications, and Design Mohan Ned,
537 37275 An introduction to Java Programming and Object-Oriented Appli. A.Johnson Richard
538 538 Probability with C++
539 L32766 Speak Well Babbilipati Indira
540 45174 Using English A Coursebook for Undergraduate Learners Board of Editors,
541 L33300 Speak Well Babbilipati Indira
542 L33927 Problem Solving with C++ Savitch Walter,
543 543 English for Emails Chapman Rebecca,
544 544 Design of Machine eleemetns
545 45173 Using English A Coursebook for Undergraduate Learners Board of Editors,
546 45557 English for Emails with CD Chapman Rebecca,
547 42224 Software Testing Chauhan Naresh,
548 548 CAD/CAM Principles & Applications
549 549 Data Structures through CD Balagurusamy,E.
550 45086 Vibrant English Board of Editors,
551 551 English for Emails with CD Champman Rebecca
552 552 English for Success Suresh kumar E
553 553 Java Design Patterns A Tutorial James,W.Cooper
554 554 Problem Solving with C++ Savitch Walter,
555 555 Problem Solving with C++ Savitch Walter,
556 556 Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems John P.,Uyemura
557 557 Vibrant English Board of Editors,
558 558 Java Tools
559 559 The 8051 Microcontroller Kenneth,J.Ayala/
560 560 Engineering Electromagnetics Hayt
561 561 C How to Programm Deitel
562 562 Physical Chemistry Khosla, B.D.
563 39778 Wireless Digital Communication Feher Kamilo,
564 43321 Antenna Theory Constantine A. Balanis,
565 43333 Radiowave Propagation and Antennas for Personal Comm. Bahreini Yasaman,
566 566 Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems John Umera
567 567 Fuzzy Logic for Embedded Systems Applications Ibrahim,Ahmad M.
568 L33297 Speak Well Babbellapati Indira,
569 45111 Speak Well Babbellapati Indira,
570 570 Oracle 9.1
571 571 Java 2 The Complete Reference Herbert Schildt
572 572 Finite Element Analysis for Engineering and Technology Chandrupatla,Tirupathi R.
573 573 VHDL Brown
574 574 Soft Computing
575 575 Introduction to VLSI Circuits and System John Umera
576 576 Embedded systems
577 577 SQL, PL/SQL The Programming Language of Oracle BPB Publishers
578 578 CAD/CAM Principles & Applications P N Rao
579 579 Finite Element Analysis for Engineering and Technology Chandrupatla,Tirupathi R.
580 580 Software Project Management in Practice Jalote,Pankaj
581 581 Design of foundation of systems Nainan P. Kurain
582 582 Data Mining Vikram Pudi,/
583 583 Problem Solving with C++ Savitch Walter,
584 43020 Experiments in Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines Prakash Shesha M.N.,
585 585 English for Success Suresh kumar E
586 46190 Data Structures Through C++ Kannetkar yashwant
587 587 C How to Programm Deitel
588 588 Problem Solving with C++ Savitch Walter,
589 46204 Programming Language Pragmatics Scott Michael L,
590 46157 Computer Organization and Design Hennessy John L,
591 46231 Power Electronics Converters, Applications, and Design Mohan Ned,
592 592 Java Programming Malik D.S.,/
593 593 Operating System Concepts Silberschatz, Abraham/
594 45171 Using English A Coursebook for Undergraduate Learners Board of Editors,
595 46362 Digital Signal Processing Deergha Rao K,
596 46362 Digital Signal Processing Deergha Rao K,
597 46362 Digital Signal Processing Deergha Rao K,
598 46361 GATE Mechanical Engineering 2016 Trishna Knowledge Systems,
599 49035 Matalab and Simuling for Engineers Tyagi Kumar Agam,
600 600 Software Testing Tools Dr.K.V.K.K.,Prasad/
601 48494 Speech and Audio Processing Apte D Dr. Shaila,
602 49563 Speech and Audio Processing Shaila Apte D,
603 603 Mathematical methods and Algorithms
604 604 Digital Logic and Computer Design Marris Mano
605 605 Microprocessors Deisgnwith VHDL Deergha Rao K,
606 606 Digital Signal Processing Ramesh Babu, P/
607 47797 Antenna Theory Analysis and Design Balanis, Constantine A.
608 41024 Power Electronics Converters, Applications, and Design Mohan Ned,
609 609 Digial Design Dueck
610 610 Application and vhdl Dueck
611 611 Engineering Electromagnetics Hayt
612 612 Compaq Deskpro Reference Library
613 613 Verilog HDL Palnitkar,Samir
614 614 Data Structures Through C++ Kannetkar yashwant
615 615 Digital Logic with VHDL Design Brown