
Library : Rare Books

S.No Name of the Book/Manuscript Name of the Author Name of the Publisher No. of Copies Year of Publication
1 Civil Engineering Handbook Urquhart, Leonard Church/ Civil McGraw Hill 1 1962
2 Handbook of Fixture Design Mechanical McGraw Hill 1 1962
3 Die Design HandBook Mechanical McGraw Hill 3 1965
4 Handbook of Reliability Engineering and Management Mechanical/ Clyde F. Coombs, Jr., New Delhi Mc Graw Hill 1 1966
5 F.M. Radio Servicing handbook King, Gordon J./ Electronics Newness Butterworth 1 1970
6 Radar Handbook Skolnik, Merrill I/ Electronics McGraw Hill 1 1970
7 Industrial Pollution Control Handbook Civil McGraw Hill 1 1971
8 Structural Steel Designers` Handbook Merritt, Frederick S./ Civil McGraw Hill 1 1972
9 Structural Engineering Handbook Gaylord, Edwin H/ Civil McGraw Hill 1 1973
10 Handbook for Transistors Lenk, John D./ Electronics Prentice Hall 1 1976
11 Machine Design Data Handbook Vol II Lingaiah, K./ Mechanical Suma Publishers 7 1976
12 SC/MP Applications Handbook National Semiconductor Corporation National Semiconductor Corporation 1 1976
13 Handbook of Practice CB Service Lenk, John D./ Electronics Prentice Hall 1 1978
14 Handbook on the Unified Code for Structural Concrete (CP110:1972) Civil The Garden City Press Ltd. 1 1978
15 Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers Fink, Donald G./ Electronics McGraw Hill 3 1978
16 8089 I/O Processor Handbook osborne, Adam/ Computer Science McGraw Hill 1 1980
17 CRT Controller Handbook Kane, Gerry/ Electronics McGraw Hill 2 1980
18 Handbook of Applied Hydraulics Civil McGraw Hill 1 1980
19 Handbook of Electronic Circuits and Systems Mandl, Mathew/ Electronics Restor Publishing Company 1 1980
20 Handbook of Electronic Systems Design Harper, Charles A./ Electronics McGraw Hill 1 1980
21 IBM PCandXT User`s Handbook Computer Science BPB PUBLICATIONS 1 1980
22 Marks Handbook for Mechanical Engineering Mechanical McGraw Hill 1 1980
23 68000 Microprocessor Handbook Kane, Gerry/ Computer Science McGraw Hill 1 1981
24 Osborne 16-Bit Microprocessor Handbook Osborne, Adam/ Electronics McGraw Hill 1 1981
25 Prestressed Concrete Designer`s Handbook Abeles, P.W/ Civil A Vie Point Publication 1 1981
26 Building Design and Construction Handbook Merritt, Frederick S/ Civil McGraw Hill 1 1982
27 Control of Manipulation Robots Theory and Application Vukobratovic, M. Springer Verilog 1 1982
28 CRC Handbook of Irrigation Technology Civil CRC Press 1 1982
29 Electronics Engineer`s Handbook Electronics McGraw Hill 1 1982
30 Handbook of Conservation and Solar Energy Daniel Hunt, V./ Mechanical Vannostrand reinhold 1 1982
31 Handbook of Energy Technology Daniel Hunt, V./ Mechanical Vannostrand reinhold 1 1982
32 Machine Design Data handbook vol I Lingaiah, K./ Mechanical Suma Publishers 2 1982
33 Microprocessor Applications Handbook Stout, David F./ Electronics McGraw Hill 1 1982
34 Soldering Handbook Skipp, Ray/ Mechanical BSP Professional 1 1982
35 The Rivers handbook Civil Blackwell Scientific 1 1982
36 Video Handbook Baxter, John/ Electronics Fontana 2 1982
37 Differential Equations and Their Applications Braun, M. Springer Verilog 1 1983
38 Handbook of Geology in Civil Engineering Legget, Robert F/ Civil McGraw Hill 1 1983
39 Handbook of Reinforced Concrete Design to I.S. 456-1978 Karve,S.R/ Civil Vidyarthi Griha 1 1983
40 Handbook of Structural Concrete Civil Arnold Heinmann 1 1983
41 Metal Stamping Plant Productivity Handbook Strasser, Fedrico/ Mechanical Industrial Press Inc 1 1983
42 Microprocessors and Peripheral Handbook Computer Science Intel Corporation 1 1983
43 Handbook for Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Members Civil/ J P Jain, Tata Mc Graw 4 1984
44 Handbook for the Design of Castellated Beams Das, P.K/ Civil Oxfor & IBH 1 1984
45 Microcontroller Handbook Intel Corporation Intel Corporation 1 1984
46 Microsystem Components Handbook  Vol I Computer Science Intel Corporation 1 1984
47 Microsystem Components Handbook Vol II Computer Science Intel Corporation 1 1984
48 The CP/M handbook with mp/m zaks, rodnay/ Computer Science BPB 1 1984
49 Applied Dynamics and CAD of Manipulation Robots Vukobratovic, M. Springer Verilog 1 1985
50 Biped Locomotion : Dynamics, Stability, Control and Application Vukobratovic, M. Springer Verilog 1 1985
51 Industrial Robots Handbook Kozyrev, Yu/ Mechanical Mir Publishers 3 1985
52 Material Handling handbook Mechanical Associated Data Publishers 1 1985
53 Non-Adaptive and Adaptive Control of Manipulation Robots Vukobratovic, M. Springer Verilog 1 1985
54 Practical Transformer Design Handbook Lowdon,Eric/ Mechanical BPB PUBLICATIONS 1 1985
55 Process Instruments and Controls Handbook Considine, Douglas M./ Electronics McGraw Hill 1 1985
56 C Language User`s Handbook Computer Science GALGOTIA 1 1986
57 Electromagnetic Induction Phenomena Schieber, David Springer Verilog 1 1986
58 Handbook of Tax on Salaries /Incorporating the Finance Act, 1986 Pattabhiraman,V/ General Tata Mc Graw Hill 1 1986
59 Handbook of Transformer Applications Flanagan, William M./ Mechanical McGraw Hill 1 1986
60 Integral/Structural Polymer Foams SHutov, F.A. Springer Verilog 1 1986
61 Introduction to Safety Science Kuhlmann, A Springer Verilog 1 1986
62 Pump Handbook Karassik, Igor J/ Mechanical McGraw Hill 1 1986
63 The MS-DOS Handbook King, Richard Allen/ Computer Science BPB 1 1986
64 Computational and Applied Mathematics for Engineering Analysis Cakmak, A.S. Springer Verilog 1 1987
65 Handbook on Functional Requirements of Buildings Civil BIS 1 1987
66 Impelementing an Information Strategy in Manufacture Hollingum, Jack Springer Verilog 1 1987
67 Pressure Vessel Design Handbook Bednar, Henry H./ Civil CBS Publishers 1 1987
68 Production Handbook White, John A./ Mechanical John Wiley & Songs 1 1987
69 Pseudodifferential Operators and Spectral Theory Shubin, M.A. Springer Verilog 1 1987
70 Risk Management and Hazardous Waste Wynne, Brian Springer Verilog 1 1987
71 The IBM PC-DOS Handbook King, Richard Allen/ BPB 1 1987
72 Handbook of Industrial Engineering and Management Management Prentice Hall 1 1988
73 handbook of industrial metrology Mechanical Prentice Hall 3 1988
74 Handbook of Product Design for Manufacturing Bralla, James G./ Management McGraw Hill 1 1988
75 Hydraulic Systems Handbook Civil Utility Publications 1 1988
76 Maintenance Engineering Handbook Higgins, P.E., Lindley R/ Management McGraw Hill 1 1988
77 Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics Engineering Systems : International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics F., Ziegler Springer Verilog 1 1988
78 Pretreatment in Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment Hahn, Hermann H. Springer Verilog 1 1988
79 Wave Propagation in Electromagnetic Media Davis, Julian L. Springer Verilog 1 1988
80 A Boundary Element Method for Two-Dimensional Contact Problems Karami, G. Springer Verilog 1 1989
81 CICS Handbook Kageyama, Yukihisa/ Computer Science McGraw Hill 2 1989
82 Computational Hydraulics Vreugdenhil, Cornelis B. Springer Verilog 1 1989
83 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Handbook Teicholz, Eric/ Mechanical McGraw Hill 1 1989
84 Foundry Engineering Handbook Mechanical Utility Publications 1 1989
85 Handbook of Gear Design Maitra, Gitin M./ Mechanical Tata Mc Graw 2 1989
86 Standard Handbook of Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal Harry M, Freeman/ Civil McGraw Hill 1 1989
87 The Local Network Handbook Edition II Computer Science McGraw Hill 1 1989
88 Asymptotic Modeling of Atmospheric Flows Zeytounian, R. Springer Verilog 1 1990
89 Computer Aided Design Encarnocao, Jose L Springer Verilog 1 1990
90 Torsteel Design Handbook Iyengar, K.T.S./ Civil Tata Mc Graw 3 1990
91 Handbook of Expert Systems in Manufacturing Maus, Rex/ Mechanical McGraw Hill 1 1991
92 Robot Reliability and Safety Dhillon, B.S. Springer Verilog 1 1991
93 Architect`s Room Design Data Handbook Stitt, Fred A. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company 1 1992
94 Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation Khandpur, R.S. Tata Mc Graw Hill 6 1992
95 High Angle of Attack Aerodynamics Rom, Josef Springer Verilog 1 1992
96 Machinery`s Handbook Oberg, Erik/ Mechanical Industrial Press Inc 2 1992
97 The Manager`s Handbook Earnest/ Management Warners Book 1 1992
98 Electrical Engineering Handbook Aktiengesellschaft, Siemens/ Electrical Wiley Eastern 3 1993
99 Handbook of Machine Foundations Srinivasulu, P./ Civil Tata Mc Graw 2 1993
100 Mechanical Engineer`s Data Handbook Carvill, James/ Mechanical Butterwoth Heinemann 1 1993
101 Quality Management Handbook Anand, K .K./ Management Vikas Publishing 1 1993
102 Electronic Materials and Processing Handbook Harper, Charles A./ Electronics McGraw Hill 1 1994
103 Handbook of Purchasing and Materials Management Perlman, Kalman I/ Management Neo Publications 1 1994
104 Handbook on Design and Detailing of Structures Dayaratnam, P./ Civil Weeler Publishing 2 1994
105 Handbook on Working Capital Finance Sarda, D.P./ Management Govind Praksham 1 1994
106 Oracle DBA handbook Loney, Kevin/ Computer Science McGraw Hill 1 1994
107 The Change Agents` Handbook Hutton, David W./ Management Tata Mc Graw 1 1994
108 Electronics Circuits Handbook Electronics Butterwoth Heinemann 1 1995
109 Handbook of Low Cost Housing Lal, A.K/ Civil New Age 1 1995
110 ISTE Handbook 1995-96 General ISTE 1 1995
111 PC World DOS 6.2 Handbook Socha, John Galgotia 1 1995
112 Electronic Distance Measurement Rueger,J.M. Springer  Verilog 1 1996
113 HIGH-SPEED CMOS LOGIC FAMILY Data Handbook IC6 Phillips. Philips 1 1996
114 Water Resources Handbook Civil McGraw Hill 2 1996
115 Electromechanical Design Handbook Walsh,Ronald A/ Mechanical McGraw Hill 1 1997
116 Handbook of Applied Expert Systems Mechanical/ Lidowitz Jaiy, CRC Press 1 1997
117 Handbook of Piping Design Sahu, G.K New Age 1 1998
118 Concrete Bridges Handbook Raina, Dr. V.K/ Civil Galgotia 1 1999
119 Deburring and Edge Finishing Handbook Gillespie LaRoux K,/ Mech. ASME Press 1 1999
120 Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evalution Programs Michalewicz,Zbigniew Springer Verilog 1 1999
121 Optomechanical Engineering Handbook (CD Form) Ahmad,Anees/ M.E.(Mech.) USA CRC PRESS, INC 1 1999
122 Foundation Engineering Handbook Civil Galgotia 3 2000
123 Microprocessor Data Handbook Computer Science BPB 1 2000